Horse |
SP |
[EST] |
LB | Run |
Wnr |
| Shp |
Trainer |
Dw |
Hf |
Run Notes |
1 | Pearl's Azinger | 0.57 | 45.0 | - | 2 |
| | T. D. Barron | |
2 | 2
| 1.2 | Supp 8/11, BkWL ins, LdgPr Erl 1Wd, H-1+1f to 2nd -1.5L Sttld, po-2f, Ld-1.5f+ SHgL, po, 4Clr-1f, po, EasedLt, Small |
2 | Fullon Clarets | 6.5 | 43.3 | 2.3 | 1 |
| | R. A. Fahey | |
3 | 3
| 4.7 | Drift 11/2, BOk Cent, LdgLn Erl, Drop 2R+1f, Ngl+2f SInx STTR SUnbal, po ins-2f SHgLOv, FdLt, Medium IC & more Range than Fast Actn PA |
3 | Atreus | 33 | 29.8 | 6.8 | 2 |
| | M. W. Easterby | |
6 | 5
| 9.2 | B-2 Wdst PHmp-1, Dv Erl TTR, SAdf+0.5f Resp, NglOv, SResp Hf, po-2f Cent, Stall-1f SHgL in 5th, Vol 3rd-0.5f+ past Tirers and Fd |
4 | Ripon Rose | 12 | 21.0 | 8.0 | 3 |
| | P. T. Midgley | |
5 | 4
| 6.0 | B-1 Wd P-1, Resp Erl, SNgLOv, Ngl+2f STTR SLsGrnd, Dv-2f+ ModResp, Fd-1f |
5 | Pearlise | 100 | -15.0 | 20.0 | 3 |
| | S. P. J. Dixon | |
4 | 6
| 11.5 | BOk Cent, 4th Erl, Ngl+0.5f, Dv+1f, HgL+1.5f Dv, HgR+2f LsGrnd, Unbal Hf drop last, Dv-2f+ Cent SResp, LsGrnd ins-2f, NoResp |
6 | Grey Zeb | 4 | -34.0 | 28.0 | 1 |
M |
| | K. W. Dalgleish | |
1 | 1
| -1.2 | Drift 7/2, BOk RL, Dv Erl Resp, & Ld, SFre+0.5f, Sttld+1.5f 1.5Clr, Dv-2f+, Stall ins-2f, Hdd-1.5f+, Unbal-1.5f, Fd, WTRB = Jk said Hrs Lost its Action |
| | |