Three of the runners were in the first 2yo race of the season which was
a £12,000 to the winner Conditions race (Slack Willy Hilly was favourite,
Fashion Chic & Par Excellence). Another has won a seller and probably
eight of the ten runners were seller class. Why run this race in this format
An interesting seller with a mix of types ranging from those that were
always destined to be seller trundlers through to disappointing types like
Tick The Box. The pre race paddock review will be incongruous because you
could make two 'Wizbys' out of Tick The Box.
Although disappointing in general terms both Tick The Box and, to a lesser
extent, Slack Willy Hilly should be better class than the others. They
are helped further because this is a level weight seller and the two previous
winners are both penalised 5lb.